2024 Exploring Report
Hennepin County Sheriff Dawanna Witt and Northern Star Council Board Member & VP of Exploring and Special Programs recently delivered a State of Exploring Report to the Board.
Exploring began in 1949 and will celebrate its 75th Anniversary this Fall. In 1959, Exploring took on a career education focus which continues today. In 1971, Exploring was the first program in the BSA to become fully co-ed, a record that continues today with a nearly 50/50 co-ed membership. Today Northern Star Council has more than 60 posts serving over 750 Explorers and will add dozens more during Fall recruitment activities. This co-ed program is open to youth between the ages of 14-21.
Current Posts in Northern Star by popularity
- Law Enforcement: 35
- Fire/Rescue: 20
- Medical/EMS: 3
- Aviation: 2
- Engineering: 1
The next big focus in demand for Exploring is Skilled Trades programming.
Northern Star Scouting awards five $1,000 scholarships each year, with one funded by our CBC Dinner and the other 4 are privately funded/endowed.
Other news
The highest Volunteer recognition in Exploring is the Spurgeon Award, and this year Blaine Police Chief Brian Podany has been selected by the Exploring Committee as the recipient of a Spurgeon Award.
In closing
Exploring turns 75 later this year! The MLEEA Law-Enforcement Conference will celebrate our 50th year in April of 2025. And if you were at the Minnesota State Fair, on Friday August 23, we hope you saw the Fire Exploring Competition in Dan Patch Park as a part of Governor’s Fire Prevention Day!
For more information about Exploring you may contact our Director of Exploring and Juvenile Diversion, Brian Swerine.