NYLT Registration
Greetings from Northern Star Scouting’s home of National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) known as Grey Wolf. The Grey Wolf NYLT program delivers the National Council's NYLT Syllabus. This summer we are planning to provide NYLT training to more than 350 Scouts from across Northern Star and several other councils. There will be 5 weeks of Training available (one week at Camp Horace Johnson and 4 weeks at Fred C. Andersen Scout Camp).
In 2025, there will be a new process for registering Scouts to attend NYLT for Troops and Crews in the former Voyageurs Area Council. This year, all Scouts attending NYLT will need to be nominated by their Scoutmaster by March 1, 2025. After the nomination period, we sort the requests and communicate to those accepted to complete their registration and pay the registration fee. Scoutmasters can nominate up to three individuals to attend Grey Wolf NYLT training annually. Every troop is guaranteed at least one attendee (and up to three) depending on the number of nominations.
Scoutmasters and Crew Advisors should have received a letter and worksheet detailing the steps that need to be completed to nominate a Scout for Grey Wolf NYLT. Please follow the instructions in the letter and the worksheet. All nomination steps in the process must be completed online.
We are here to help you navigate the process. Additional information can be found at https://www.northernstar.org/training/grey-wolf. If you have questions, please contact our Volunteer NYLT Coordinator Steve Smuder at [email protected] or Training and Advancement Director Dave Arola at [email protected].