Order of the Arrow Fall Induction Conclaves

Induction into the Order of the Arrow and the associated membership allows a new member to attend Chapter, Lodge, Sectional, Regional, and National events hosted by the group for members of the Order of the Arrow. Additionally, the Order of the Arrow organization provides leadership training and service opportunities at all levels in the Boy Scouts of America to build upon the experiences and knowledge you have already worked so hard to achieve. We hope that you take what you learn back to your unit as the first obligation of a member of the Order of the Arrow is to support their unit.

Induction into the Order of the Arrow requires that you attend what is known as an “Ordeal” weekend where both Ordeal candidates and active members camp out and cheerfully participate in service projects. The Ordeal experience is unlike any other you will ever experience. You should be prepared to spend a night sleeping under the stars. The next day you will work on a number of service projects. Following the service projects, you will participate in a ceremony inducting you into the Order of the Arrow. If you have been elected to the Order of the Arrow, you will be receiving a letter from Totanhan Nakaha Lodge after your Call-Out about what to expect at your induction Conclave.

Registration and more information about our Fall Induction Conclaves is now live at https://scoutingevent.com/250-OAConclaves2024

Contact us

Aaron Russell

Senior District Executive