Wood Badge

The Ultimate Training Program

Wood Badge is a premiere leadership training program for all registered Scout Leaders. You read that right — ALL Scout Leaders. Based around the operation of a troop and its patrols, Wood Badge utilizes contemporary leadership concepts utilized in the corporate world that are relevant to Scouting's values. Wood Badge will give you tools that you can not only take back to your unit, but also your job and home.

Who may attend?

All registered adult Scouters from Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouts over age 18, who meet the following eligibility requirements may attend Wood Badge: 

  • Have completed the basic training courses for their Scouting position. 
  • Have completed the outdoor skills training programs appropriate for their Scouting positions. 
  • Be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment.
  • A BSA Annual Health and Medical Record (Parts A, B, C) is required. 

Attend all sessions. There are no make-up opportunities. If an attendee has to miss any of the sessions, they will be dropped from the course and asked to return to attend the entire program. 

When is Wood Badge Offered?

Our program is on an eight month rotation with two training course opportunities in odd years and one training course opportunity in even years. The cycle for 2024-2026 is:

  • Spring 2024
  • Winter 2025
  • Fall 2025
  • Spring 2026

A Wood Badge course leader leads a hike for a a class. Twenty-five or so participants are following in two lines.

Two older adult participants wearing the Scout uniform are playing a team-building game and laughing.

Financial Assistance

If finances are an obstacle for a volunteer considering Wood Badge, there are several sources for financial support. Please review the Wood Badge Financial Aid Application for information about these resources.

Financial Assistance Form

Employer Sponsorship for Wood Badge

Employers may be willing to financially support their employee's attendance at Wood Badge, as a workplace will also benefit from the leadership skills learned. Please share the Wood Badge Employer Letter with your employer to learn whether they might financially sponsor your Wood Badge attendance.

Employer Letter

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Catholic Wood Badge 2024

For the first time ever, NCCS is offering a Catholic Scouting focused Wood Badge leadership course open to Catholic Scouters from across the country.

Register Today

Contact Us

Brenda Pramann

Council Wood Badge Coordinator

Dave Arola

Training and Advancement Director