Northern Star Scouting continues to work to connect partner organizations with Scouting volunteers to offer Merit Badge opportunities throughout the year. Using the Merit Badge program, program partners engage youth in a deeper understanding of a vocation or hobby tied to their mission and purpose as an organization.

Join your fellow Scouts BSA Troops, Crews, and Ships for a Saturday of competition, Scout Skills, and Fellowship during one of Northern Star’s Klondike Derbies! Klondike Derby is a great way to get Scouts outside and participating in program during the winter months.

Scouts BSA Troops team up with their partnering Arrow of Light Dens for a weekend of Scout skills and fellowship at Spring Camporee! This is a chance for AOL Scouts to see Scouts BSA activities in action, giving Troops an opportunity to interact with AOL Scouts who may be transitioning into the Scouts BSA Troop, and prepare them for Summer Camp.