The University of Scouting is a fun-filled, hands-on opportunity to network and learn with hundreds of Scouters. It takes place on a Saturday in April and October. Be the best leader you can be and attend the next University of Scouting!

Wood Badge is a fun, challenging, and inspirational Scouting experience for all volunteers looking to improve their leadership skills.

Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS) is a fantastic introduction for parents or other adults to learn about how Troops function in a fun, fast paced, & hands-on environment!

Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) is a weekend training that includes a single overnight course designed to introduce the necessary outdoor skills needed to facilitate a fun, safe and exciting camping event for your Cub Scout Pack or Den.

Grey Wolf is our council's National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT). The course is designed around a model unit's month.

This training is required for all Scouting volunteers but is applicable for everyone who works with children. There is no charge and you do not have to be a Scouting volunteer or parent to take the course.