After School Programs
Fun Scouting Activities After School
Scouting operates in various schools, community
entities, and recreation centers providing youth adventurous
Scouting experience in an after-school setting.
What takes place in after-school Scouting?
Students explore and learn through hands-on activities like science projects, arts and crafts, and outdoor
games designed to excite and engage. Students learn
about good citizenship and character development while having fun in the world around them.
How often do we meet?
Groups are made up of similar aged youth and typically meet once a
week. Each site differs slightly depending on the
Who can join?
Boy and girls are welcome to join. Most programs work with
elementary aged kids but there are some programs for middle and high
school students, too.
What is the cost?
Most students can attend after-school Scouting for free and all materials are provided. Occasionally, youth will
have the opportunity to go on a field trip such as camping (day trips
and overnight) or participate in a Pinewood Derby race. These
activities have a small fee.
Does the program include parents and/or guardians?
All of the after-school Scouting programs are led by paid program
staff. Parents and guardians are welcome to join as
volunteers for the activities and field trips.
How do we join?
Schools, community education, or recreation
centers interested in partnering with our After School Programs should contact our after-school Scouting coordinator
directly at 763-231-7237. We'll help get you started and sign up youth through your organization.