Cub Scout Leader Resources

Looking to Save Time as a Cub Scout Leader?

Becoming a Cub Scout Leader can seem intimidating at first, however, with the right resources, it can be one of the most rewarding things you can volunteer to do. Leading a group of elementary aged kids is more than occupying them for an hour playing games and gluing cotton balls to popsicle sticks. Having a well laid out plan and an organized meeting is the first step. A little planning and research on the front end will save you a ton of time and will pay huge dividends in the quality and fun had by the youth participating. 

So where do I get the tools, ideas, and insight to be successful as a Leader you ask? Well, there a lot of resources that you can get any time you wish. Searching Google, looking through Facebook and other social media groups, and by taking online training are easy and always available.

Cub Scout Pack Advancement has moved from Scoutbook to Scoutbook Plus.  There is a new video from National that outlines how to use Scoutbook Plus for Cub Packs located here.


Scoutbook Plus Intro Video


To get you started, visit and scroll down to the Cub Scout Resources. There you will find informative videos and other resources available for your role to help you be successful.

The BSA also has an online Cub Scout Leader training that can be taken by visiting and visiting the BSA learn center. Once you begin the training course you selected, you can stop and continue where you left off at a later time, making it easy to complete on breaks at work or when you have a little time here and there. 

Finally, other opportunities are available for in-person training throughout the year. These trainings cover a myriad of topics and are very helpful once you have completed online training. Through the University of Scouting and the University of Scouting Extension you can select classes in your area of interest. Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation" referred to as BALOO teaches you how to camp with Cub Scouts. These opportunities and others are posted on the Northern Star Council Home page under the tile called 'Exciting Training Opportunities Coming Soon'.

It may seem like you do not have time to search out resources and taking the training available for your role, however, rest assured, the time you make now will come back ten-fold throughout the year!

Contact us

Dave Arola

Training and Advancement Director