Special Event Weekends 2024-2025
Five of our metro area camps have created a special event schedule for all those who are camping with us in the coming months.
- 1/25/25: Merit Badge Day at Fred C. Andersen
- 3/15/25: Merit Badge Day at Phillippo
- 5/3/25: Shooting Sports*, Climbing Tower & Summer Camp Merit Badge Make Up Day at Stearns
- *Archery & BB are open to all ages. Riflery is open to 5th Graders and older.
Events to be scheduled
- Merit Badge Day at Stearns
- Merit Badge Day at Rum River
Most events will be at no additional charge to those already camping with us on the scheduled weekend.
Visit http://camp.northernstar.org/Camp-Locations-Rentals/Weekend-Camping for more information.
No Reservation Yet? View openings at http://camp.northernstar.org/Camp-Locations-and-Rentals.