Tax Exempt Status Information Non-profit 501c3 status is tied to a unit's chartered organization. Information Regarding Tax Exempt Status Under the Chartered Partner Concept, Chartering Organizations (churches, service clubs, and community organization) own the Pack, Troop, Crew, Ship, Team, and Post units that are affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America's Program. Units are encouraged to get their federal ID number (needed to establish an account with a local bank) and sales tax exempt number from their charter organization, but they can apply directly to the IRS or state. Often, the IRS will provide the unit with a federal ID number over the phone (1-877-829-5500) or a unit can apply online at the IRS website listed in related content. For a MN or WI sales tax exempt number go to the respective state revenue website. Other Help IRS Page to Apply for an Employer Identification Number Minnesota State Department of Revenue Wisconsin State Department of Revenue Northern Star Scouting Facebook Northern Star Scouting Instagram Northern Star Scouting Twitter Print