Procedures for Reporting Concerns About Abuse

Mandatory Report of Child Abuse

All persons involved in Scouting shall report to local authorities any good-faith suspicion or belief that any child is or has been physically or sexually abused, physically or emotionally neglected, exposed to any form of violence or threat, exposed to any form of sexual exploitation, including the possession, manufacture, or distribution of child pornography, online solicitation, enticement, or showing of obscene material. You may not abdicate this reporting responsibility to any other person.

Steps to Report Child Abuse

  1. Ensure the child is in a safe environment.
  2. In cases of child abuse or medical emergencies, call 911 immediately. In addition, if the suspected abuse is in the Scout's home or family, you are required to contact the local child abuse prevention agency in the county where it occured (see list by county below).
  3. Notify the Scout executive or his/her designee at 612-261-2300 or the contacts listed at the bottom on this page. This is an important step since it is possible that action must be taken by the BSA, even if no action will be taken by law enforcement.

Reporting Violations of BSA Youth Protection Policies

If you think any of the BSA's Youth Protection policies have been violated, you must notify our Scout Executive or his/her designee so appropriate action can be taken. In addition to the direct contact numbers provided, to further encourage prompt reporting of any suspected violations of Youth Protection Policies or indications of possible abuse, a local toll-free Youth Protection Tipline has been created for individuals who wish to remain anonymous. Those calling this number will be able to leave a message with the line being monitored 24/7.

Youth Protection Tipline: 1-888-213-0364

How to Report to Authorities

  • If you know or suspect that a child is in immediate danger, contact local law enforcement right away by dialing 911. Law enforcement officers can remove a minor from a threatening environment in order to protect that child.
  • If the child is not in immediate danger, and the alleged perpetrator is a parent, guardian, family childcare provider, family foster care provider, or juvenile correctional facility staff person, call the child protection unit of your county social service agency.
    MN DHS County Contacts  WI DHS Contacts
  • If the child is not in immediate danger and the alleged perpetrator is someone outside the family and not a licensed facility staff person, you can contact your local law enforcement agency.
  • If the child is not in immediate danger, and the alleged perpetrator is a staff member of a licensed facility, that is, a school, day care, hospital, group home, and so forth, please refer to the Department of Human Services website or call 651-296-8337 for general information about child protection.

Whom to Call

Any child abuse must be reported in the county where it occurred. For instance, if an incident takes place on a camping trip, local authorities for that area must receive the report. Local Law Enforcement can be contacted by dialing 911.

What to report

  • Your name, phone number, and relationship to the family
  • What happened to the child and when the incident occurred
  • Identification of any witnesses to the incident
  • A description of any injuries or the present condition of the child
  • The current location of the child and whether the child is in immediate danger
  • Names and addresses of the child, and parents or caretakers
  • Any additional information you have about the child or family that may be helpful

If the child is in immediate danger, call the police first by dialing 911. Any reports of and/or suspicions of child abuse are to be referred immediately to Scouting.

Contact us

Colleen Brazier

Deputy Scout Executive

John Andrews

Scout Executive