Grey Wolf

The Grey Wolf Course logo, a grey wolf in front of 3 green bars

What is Grey Wolf?

Grey Wolf is our council's National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT). It is a one-week program designed for Scouts BSA members that are First Class and above, and Venturers, held in June and July.

The Grey Wolf program is designed around a model unit's month and replicates the first three weeks of typical unit operations, including patrol leader's council (PLC) meetings, unit meetings, patrol meetings, and planning for a big event. Becoming a better leader is the theme, but many aspects apply to daily life.

  • The unit is led by a youth staff trained to provide counseling and mentoring
  • Adult leadership is present, but the unit is run by the well-trained youth staff
  • Youth completing the course return to their units ready to lead and more excited for Scouting

What Do I Do at Grey Wolf?


  • Communicating
  • Vision
  • Goals
  • Preparing Plans
  • Staging of Team Development
  • Problem Solving
  • The Leading Edge
  • The Teaching Edge
  • Resolving Conflicts
  • Making Ethical Decisions
  • Leading Yourself


  • Giving Presentations
  • Team Building
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Scout Skills
  • Unit Operations

You'll need the desire to make a long-term commitment to master the skills and tools to benefit your troop or crew. Grey Wolf is unlike any other Scout camp. You won't work on merit badges, advancement, or have daily swims. You'll play a lot of games and do fun activities (like geocaching) that promote team-building. Get ready for a fast-paced week and prepare to learn for yourself and your unit.

Schedule and Locations

Check-in for Grey Wolf week begins at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday at the listed location. Please arrive on-time wearing the official field (Class A) uniform. The course finishes after the closing ceremony on the following Saturday at 11:00 a.m. Parents and unit leaders are encouraged to attend the closing ceremony.

A group of Scouts sitting in the grass work on lashings while wearing the grey wolf shirt (a blue t-shirt with the grey wolf logo on the chest)

A group of 5 Scouts carry a simulated injured Scout on a hand-lashed stretcher while a staff member supervises

How to Register for Grey Wolf

Unit leaders will be given the opportunity to nominate up to three Scouts/Venturers for Grey Wolf in an online registration. Space is limited to 356 youth over the 5 one-week sessions of Grey Wolf. We plan to give every unit in the council at least one spot per year. Depending on how many units apply, some units may be offered a second or third spot.

Nominate Your Scout Here

Who to Nominate

You should nominate someone who sets a good example for others and will be leading their unit when they return home. Attitude is the most important factor when it comes to selecting someone to attend Grey Wolf. There's a lot to learn and do, so if a participant isn't willing to become totally involved, they will miss out on a great program. Please consider:

  • Prerequisite of taking ILST/ILSC (Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops/Crews) through your unit
  • First Class Rank and continued tenure
  • Commitment to Scouting
  • Maturity

All attending participants must be below the age of 18. Additionally, Scouts BSA members must be at least 13, at least First Class, and have completed ILST. Venturers and Sea Scouts must be at least 14 (or 13 and have completed eighth grade) and have completed ISLC. It is recommended that they have had at least one year of camping experience.

After unit leaders have submitted their nominations online, the participants will be notified and asked to officially register and pay the fees online. All registrations, fees, and health forms are due March 31st of the participating year. Be careful when choosing a week, Grey Wolf fills quickly and there may not be a chance to change later.


Contact Us

Steve Smuder


Grey Wolf Registration


Dave Arola

Training and Advancement Director