Merit Badge Opportunities

Merit Badge Opportunities


Northern Star Scouting continues to work to connect partner organizations with Scouting volunteers to offer Merit Badge opportunities throughout the year.  Through the Merit Badge program, community partners engage youth in a deeper understanding of a vocation or hobby tied to their mission and purpose as an organization.  These events focus on quality hands on instruction.     

As noted in the Guide to Advancement (, any registered Scout may work on the requirements for any Merit Badge at any time. However, before working with a counselor or attending a Merit Badge Opportunity, a Scout must meet with their unit leader or their delegate. This is the leader’s opportunity to give guidance on the wisdom of pursuing a selected badge, and to advise the Scout on how work might be approached and what may be encountered along the way. 

Even though a leader may voice concerns about a particular Scout pursuing a particular merit badge, it is the Scout’s decision whether or not to proceed. Units must not impose rank or age requirements for merit badge work.



Click here for a list of current Merit Badge opportunities!

Explore Partnerships

Minnesota Pilots Association - Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering

The Minnesota Pilots Association offers the Aviation Merit Badge as a part of the Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering (GMAG) held at Buffalo Municipal Airport in Buffalo each May. Merit Badge participants and families can enjoy GMAG and the onsite exhibits while participating in the course. Merit Badge instruction is provided by licensed pilots and has often featured advisors from two of Northern Star Scouting’s Aviation Exploring Posts.

Interested in Aviation Exploring, or want to learn more about Northern Star Scouting’s two aviation-related Posts?  Visit:


Civil Air Patrol - North Hennepin Squadron

The Civil Air Patrol-North Hennepin Squadron periodically offers Merit Badge Days for area Scouts at Crystal Airport in the west metro. Class sizes are normally around 20 Scouts and are taught by members of the North Hennepin Squadron.  

The Civil Air Patrol is a public service organization that also serves as an Auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force.  The North Hennepin Squadron is a local entity, similar to a Scouting unit, that fulfills the mission of the Civil Air Patrol in our community.  Consisting of both Cadet (youth), and Senior (adult) programs, the Civil Air Patrol seeks to support three missions in providing for aerospace education, emergency services, and leadership and youth development through the Cadet program.  More information about the Civil Air Patrol-North Hennepin Squadron can be found here:


Northern Star Scouting is partnering with Alpha Chi Sigma (the professional chemistry and chemical engineering fraternity) for the first time to offer a Chemistry Merit Badge course for Scouts BSA members.  With the support of the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota (Twin Cities), Alpha Chi Sigma will host the Merit Badge course at Bruininks Hall on the East Bank portion of the Twin Cities campus.


The Minneapolis Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee (JATC) is a non-profit organization jointly sponsored by Minneapolis Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) and Local Union 292 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). The Minneapolis JATC offers continuing education for electricians, as well as a five-year apprenticeship program. The apprenticeship program offered by the Minneapolis JATC is registered through the Minnesota Department of Labor and consists of both on-the-job training and classroom education. More information about the Minneapolis JATC and their programs can be found here:


Fire Safety Merit Badge

Northern Star Scouting is partnering with the Cottage Grove Fire Department to offer a Fire Safety Merit Badge opportunity! Scouts who attend will have the opportunity to work through most, if not all the Merit Badge requirements, during the course of the five-hour session. Further information can be found on the event registration page.


Mining in Society Merit Badge

Holcim is a global leader in innovative and sustainable building solutions with net sales of CHF 27.0 billion in 2023. Driven by our purpose to build progress for people and the planet, our 63,448 employees are on a mission to decarbonize building, while improving living standards for all. We empower our customers across all regions to build better with less, with a broad range of low-carbon and circular solutions, from ECOPact and ECOPlanet to our circular technology platform ECOCycle®. Through innovative systems, from Elevate roofing to PRB insulation, Holcim makes buildings more sustainable in use, driving energy efficiency and green retrofitting. With sustainability at the core of our strategy, we are on the way to becoming a net-zero company with 1.5°C targets validated by SBTi.



Woodchuck USA Merit Badge Day

Woodchuck USA was founded in 2012 by Ben VandenWymelenberg after a broken phone inspired him to design and construct a more durable phone case made from real wood veneer.

What began as a casual venture, selling these unique phone cases to friends, evolved into something greater. A turning point came when Ben watched Simon Sinek's TED Talk, “How great leaders inspire action.” This talk ignited a clear mission: "Bringing nature back to people, jobs back to America, and quality back to products."

Woodchuck USA's commitment to nature grew stronger with its "BUY ONE. PLANT ONE." program, planting a tree for every product sold and sharing the tree's planting coordinates with customers.

From its origins crafting phone cases, Woodchuck USA has expanded its offerings to include a diverse range of custom wood products and services. These include luxury wood packaging for high-end liquor and marketing brands, corporate gifts and awards, wood journals and home goods, white-label manufacturing, and laser cutting services, among numerous other options. All the while, the company remains dedicated to quality, American job creation, and environmental stewardship.



Sustainability Merit Badge Day

We will be back for the Sustainability Merit Badge event in 2025, along with some NEW opportunities with Mickman Brothers in the spring of 2025 as well. Keep your eyes on this page for more details to come!

Founded in 1975 by John S. and Chris Mickman, Mickman Brothers is an industry leading provider of green goods and services via five service groups:

  • Landscape & Landscape Irrigation Design/Construction
  • Retail Garden Center
  • Landscape Care Services
  • Christmas Wreath Fundraising business

We strive to be at the forefront in our respective industries by providing our customers/clients with the finest products available, professionally offered by our dedicated staff members. Over the past 34 years we have been fortunate in recruiting and maintaining some of the best individuals in our industries to work with our clientele to provide them with the level of service they expect.


Snow Sports

Northern Star Scouting is excited to partner with Wild Mountain and Afton Alps to offer several Snow Sports Merit Badge Days this winter! Scouts who attend will be able to complete most if not all of the requirements for either the Snowboarding or Downhill Skiing requirements of the Merit Badge. There is an associated cost due to lift ticket and equipment rental prices, but Scouts who have their own snow sports equipment are welcome to use it at the event.


Council-Approved Opportunities

Below you will find links to Merit Badge opportunities in the community that are run by Council-approved partners, but are not organized or facilitated by Northern Star Scouting at the Council level. These are great opportunities for your Scouts to take advantage of, and we highly encourage you to check them out!


Northwest Coin Club- Coin Collecting MB

North Star Museum

Scoutmaster Bucky

Shoreview Community Center

Ten Ring- Rifle Shooting Merit Badge

Have ideas for a merit Badge day? Contact Us

John McDermid

Activities Director

Riley Firman

Field Assistant